Dr Helen Murphy of the University of East London is a stakeholder in a relatively new and vibrant charity. The Mental
Health Activity Trust supports people with mental health problems, find employment and social inclusion.
CEO and Founder Toni Hale, a former psychology
student of Helen’s at Goldsmiths,
established the charity in April 2012 to support people with a mental
health problem find employment that is paid either with the MHA Trust or
with other organisations.
The charity is currently campaigning for a psychologist to be positioned
in every organisation or industry across the country.
order to provide employment for those with mental ill health and to
finance the charity's work, Toni opened a charity
shop on the office premises in Blackheath which is proving to be a great
success. Twenty-two people, predominately with mental health problems
are employed by the organisation either on a voluntary or paid basis and
the staff are proving to be highly motivated
and committed to the cause.
its launch, the Mental Health Activity Trust has achieved outstanding
results in its mission, finding employment
for eight people in full or part time work with fifty two other people
being supported either in work or in their quest to find work currently.
If you want to find out more then check out the website www.mhatrust.webs.com,
alternatively you can call 020 36384712 or email mhatrust@live.co.uk
for further information. You can also pop in for a visit at MHA Trust Shop 15 Delacourt Road SE3 8XA.